Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How to {Tuesday on Wednesday...oops} Turn Your Children into Willing Slaves

Our house has gotten a bit messy lately.  And when I say a bit, I mean a whole lot. So, on Monday I came up with a brilliant plan.

I decided we'd have a home movie night with concessions.  In order for them to earn money for their movie ticket, popcorn or candy they had to do things to help the family like sweep, fold towels or vaccum.

I cannon believe how well this worked. It was crazy cool. I had willing slaves sorting laundry, picking up toys, scrubbing walls and emptying the dishwasher. It was so TOTALLY AWESOME!

When it came time for the movie I pretended to be working at the movie theater and selling tickets and concessions.  The kids loved it.  My oldest son was able to get a lot more than his younger siblings.  It was a great learning experience for them.  "Hey...wait a minute.  Look how much Weston got!" Yep. Because he kept working kiddos.

We will definitely be doing this again.  Family fun? check. M&Ms with popcorn? check. Cleaner house? check.  A definite success. 


  1. That is a great idea! My kids would totally go for it! Thanks for sharing your creativity! :)

  2. I love things like this! We do it all the time with getting stuff done for the bees. Whenever we start working the kids always say, are we getting paid for this? then the next question is how much? They do a lot for a cheap price and I get a heck of a lot done! But I am totally stealing this movie idea from you! Except you forgot to tell us how much you paid for each chore.... Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love it! I can't wait to try it when my kids get a little older. Help with the house....that's something I dream about. :)
